Exciting Construction Update

The team at Florian are pleased to deliver the April 2020 Construction Update.
The park works are now 65% completed, with handover and public access expected to take place June/July 2020.
Stage 1
Stage 1 Statement of Compliance has been achieved, and settlements are expected to commence late April/early May 2020.
Stage 2
The Statement of Compliance process is well underway, with titles expected early May. Settlements are expected to commence mid to end May 2020.
Stage 3
Current onsite activity sees top-soiling and the laying of footpaths, with titles expected early May. Settlements are expected to commence mid to end May 2020.
Stage 4
The Statement of Compliance process is well underway, and settlements are expected to commence late May/early June 2020.
Stage 5
Current onsite activity sees the completion of kerbs, electrical branching and reticulation installation. Practical Completion is expected 4 June 2020. Settlements are expected to commence during the third quarter of 2020.
Stage 6
Current onsite activity includes the laying of drainage and the construction of road boxing. Practical Completion is expected 6 August 2020. Settlements are expected to commence during the fourth quarter of 2020.
Stage 7
Civil works have now commenced. Stage 7 lot sales are underway and progressing quickly.